AMICA’s work
is honored

AMICA’s longtime work for women in regions affected by war and crisis has been recognized with numerous awards. These awards recognize not only AMICA’s work in Germany, but also and especially the persistent and courageous service of our partners in the countries where we are involved. Many thanks to all those support us in our endeavors!

2020 | Göttingen Peace Prize
AMICA to us is synonymous with civic courage and is proof of the effectiveness of committing to human rights, and above all, to women’s rights“. With these words, the jury affirmed the conferral of the Göttinger Friedenspreis to AMICA. Awarded yearly since 1999, the Göttingen Peace Prize promotes the research of conflict and peace. Former award winners include Konstantin Wecker, Reporter ohne Grenzen (Reporters without Borders), Pro Asyl (Pro-Asylum) and Egon Bahr. | Photo: Stiftung Dr. Roland Röhl (Peter Heller)

Speech by Gabriele Michel


2020 |Schwarzkopf Million Chances Award, “Move Up” Category

Every year, the Schwarzkopf Million Chances Award Award recognizes four non-profit initiatives that advocate for opportunities and rights for girls and women—inspirational projects that increase girls’ and women’s opportunities worldwide, encourage their self-confidence, and allow them new perspectives in daily life. Each winning project receives a 10,000 Euro prize, made possible by the Fritz Henkel Foundation. | Photo: MiNZ&KUNST

Der Schwarzkopf Million Chances Award zeichnet jedes Jahr vier gemeinnützige Initiativen aus, die sich für die Rechte und Chancen von Mädchen und Frauen einsetzen – inspirierende Projekte, die die Chancen von Mädchen und Frauen weltweit erhöhen, ihr Selbstbewusstsein stärken und ihnen neue Perspektiven im Alltag ermöglichen. Jedes Siegerprojekt erhält ein Preisgeld von 10.000 Euro, ermöglicht durch die Fritz Henkel Stiftung. | Foto: MiNZ&KUNST

2018 | Helga and Werner Sprenger Peace Prize

The Helga-und-Werner-Sprenger-Friedenspreis is awarded each year by the INTA Foundation, whose goal is to promote and continually uphold author and meditation teacher Werner Sprenger’s wishes and works. As a result of his experiences of war and captivity, peace became a lifelong priority for Sprenger. | Photo: Uli Glasemann

2017 | German Engagement Award

The Deutsche Engagementpreis is the grand prize for civic engagement in Germany. It recognizes the volunteer service of people in our country and all those who support this service through the conferral of prizes. There are over 700 competitions and awards for volunteer service in Germany.

2016 | Baden-Württemberg One World Award

The Eine-­Welt-­Preis Baden-Württemberg is presented by the Baden-Württemberg Foundation for Development Cooperation (Stiftung Entwicklungs­zusammen­arbeit Baden-Württemberg (SEZ)). The award recognizes those who fight, in an outstanding manner, against poverty in developing countries, and for a more equitable and sustainable world.” AMICA e.V. was recognized in the category for NGOs and for private service abroad. The focus of the project chosen for the award is supporting women experiencing violence in Libya.

2016 | “Sievershausen Encouragement” Peace Prize

Every two years since 1988, the Sievershausen documentation center for war events and peace work has conferred the 5000-Euro Friedenspreis Sievershäuser Ermutigung which recognizes exemplary work for peace and human rights. The prize is intended to encourage and support award winners in their work, and moreover, to embolden them to further commit themselves to peace and human rights. | Photo: Antikriegshaus Sievershausen

2010 | German UNIFEM Award

The German committee for UNIFEM (part of UN Women) recognized AMICA for its projects for sustainable women’s advancement and empowerment. On the 10-year anniversary of the UN Security Council’s Resolution 1325, UNIFEM acknowledged AMICA’s exceptionally dedicated peace work for women in regions affected by war and crisis, especially in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo

Göttingen Peace Prize

Speech of Gabriele Michel

Photo: Stiftung Dr. Roland Röhl (Peter Heller)

Courage, empowerment, solidarity: in her speech at the presentation of the Göttingen Peace Prize, Dr. Gabriele Michel comments on these three central ideas, providing a glimpse into our work and our vision.

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Photo: AMICA e.V.

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Photo: Zainab / Christina Brun

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