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Online-Vortrag von Dr. Zainab Musa Shallangwa: „The unsung heroines – narratives of women in conflict and displacement“
14. März 2024 um 19:00 - 20:30
Wie wird über Frauen in Konfliktsituationen und ihre Rolle gesprochen? Dieser Frage wollen wir gemeinsam mit Zainab Musa Shallangwa am Beispiel der unterschätzten Rolle von Frauen im Widerstand gegen Boko Haram nachgehen. Zainab erzählt ungehörte Heldinnengeschichten und erklärt patriarchale Narrative über Frauen in Konflikten. Sie ist Kulturwissenschaftlerin und forscht zur Situation von Frauen im Nordosten Nigerias und den Einfluss der Terrororganisation Boko Haram auf das Leben der lokalen Bevölkerung. Der Online-Vortrag findet auf Englisch statt und wird von Dr. Susan Steiner (Amica e.V.) moderiert. Der Vortrag ist Teil der Aktionstage zum Internationalen Frauentag
Arguably, across many cultures, women are generally considered weak if not essentially inferior to their male counterparts in creative thinking, ingenuity and productivity. Unfortunately, such subjective consideration relegates women to the background where their agency and contributions to societal development are neither heard, acknowledged, nor seen. This presumed inferiority and lack of ingenious thinking among women is perhaps not unconnected to the reasons the heroic acts of women during crisis/conflict are not acknowledged or documented. For instance, debatably, the heroic acts and the ingenuity of Gwoza women in saving their husbands and grownup boys at the height of the Boko Haram insurgency of Northeast Nigeria has never been acknowledge or documented anywhere. Whereas, evidently, numerous undocumented narratives of such heroic acts of how the Gwoza women defiantly and boldly crossed the line of fire to smuggle men and boys out of Boko Haram holds abound. It is this omission in the existing narratives of heroism in the fight against terrorism and Boko Haram insurgency that this research seeks to provide. In this talk, I will present the findings of the study to make the voices of these women heard and their efforts celebrated.
Anmeldung: office@amica-ev.org
Arguably, across many cultures, women are generally considered weak if not essentially inferior to their male counterparts in creative thinking, ingenuity and productivity. Unfortunately, such subjective consideration relegates women to the background where their agency and contributions to societal development are neither heard, acknowledged, nor seen. This presumed inferiority and lack of ingenious thinking among women is perhaps not unconnected to the reasons the heroic acts of women during crisis/conflict are not acknowledged or documented. For instance, debatably, the heroic acts and the ingenuity of Gwoza women in saving their husbands and grownup boys at the height of the Boko Haram insurgency of Northeast Nigeria has never been acknowledge or documented anywhere. Whereas, evidently, numerous undocumented narratives of such heroic acts of how the Gwoza women defiantly and boldly crossed the line of fire to smuggle men and boys out of Boko Haram holds abound. It is this omission in the existing narratives of heroism in the fight against terrorism and Boko Haram insurgency that this research seeks to provide. In this talk, I will present the findings of the study to make the voices of these women heard and their efforts celebrated.
Anmeldung: office@amica-ev.org